My relation to endometriosis is best described as:

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The content of our website is currently in english. To determine and prioritize modifications to our website, please determine which selection is 'best-fit' for your current language communications.

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How would you rate the content and interest of each topic area:
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Thoracic Endometriosis
Urinary System Endometriosis
Digestive System Endometriosis (partially completed)
Cutaneous Endometriosis (skin)
Less Common Sites:Headaches, Hormones and CNS; Nosebleeds; Endo in Males
The ABC's of Extrapelvic Endometriosis and Endo in Animals
Trish Blog's about Endo

Thoracic Endometriosis

Urinary System Endometriosis

Digestive System Endometriosis (partially completed)

Cutaneous Endometriosis (skin)

Less Common Sites:Headaches, Hormones and CNS; Nosebleeds; Endo in Males

The ABC's of Extrapelvic Endometriosis and Endo in Animals

Trish Blog's about Endo

How do you rate the quality and helpfulness of each method used to convey aspects of the disease:
Did not impact my experience with the website I do not think it increased or decreased my experience and/or understanding of the website content. Definetly enhanced my experience and/or understanding of the website's content. I did not access page(s) using this method
Author quotes from scientific publications
quotes from persons with the disease
Illustrations/Photos embedded with quotes from persons with the disease
An anatomy and physiology overview for each body system

Author quotes from scientific publications

quotes from persons with the disease

Illustrations/Photos embedded with quotes from persons with the disease

An anatomy and physiology overview for each body system

How would you rate the overall 'readability' of the website (outside of language barriers)?